801 Labs Research Portal

ASCII art in hidden places

ASCII art in hidden places

Hiding data in new and interesting places has always been a fun objective for anyone who likes creating and solving challenges. One of the interesting secret hiding places for data I like to use is server headers.

I found out that you can override server headers live in-page with PHP's header() function. Combine this with some ascii art, and in the header of a server response you can now show people super hidden ascii art.

Here's the code to make it happen. Replace the $subject with new ascii art.

$i = 0;
$subject= "
#    ,-''''-.
#   (.  ,.   L        ___...__
#   /7} ,-`  `'-==''``        ''._
#  //{                           '`.
#  \_,X ,                         : )
#      7                          ;`
#      :                  ,       /
#       \_,                \     ;
#         Y   L_    __..--':`.    L
#         |  /| ````       ;  y  J
#         [ j J            / / L ;
#         | |Y \          /_J  | |
#         L_J/_)         /_)   L_J
#        /_)                   /_)";
$header_name= "blackmagic-";
foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $subject) as $line){

    $pre = "";
        $pre = "00";
    elseif ($i<100)
        $pre = "0";

    header( "{$header_name}{$pre}{$i}: {$line}");
